a three month group coaching program for photographers:

learn to run your photography business in 15 hours per week or less.

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Running a successful photography business doesn't mean you have to work around the clock and forget your family exists.

You may be chasing babies and feel like your dreams are out of reach, but you can building a thriving photography business in just a few hours a week.

The to-do list feels endless and overwhelming, but you can tackle your to-dos with rhythms and routines.

get on the waitlist

You didn't start your photography business so you could work 24/7.

You deserve to run a business that feeds your creative energy and helps create financial stability for your family.

check out my story...

This group coaching Program is about 
creating routines in your daily life and systems in your business.

In our 3 months together, you will learn how to systematize your business so you don't have to do the nap time/after bedtime hustle everyday.

Create a demand for your services by focusing on your ideal client, rather than competing with other photographers over price, so that you can stop questioning every move you make in your business.

Create routines in your daily life to feel more at peace juggling the hats you wear in your day to day.

Discover how to gain new clients without relying on social media as your only source of marketing.

Okay, that sounds good britt, tell me more...

Learn More

Simplify The Chaos will show you that it's possible to...

Get back to using photography as a creative outlet...
While contributing to your family's finances.

Be present in your daily life... While running a profitable photography business.

Create rhythm and routine in your day to day... Without feeling rigid and unforgiving

Consistently reach new dream clients... Without being tethered to your phone.

6 pre-recorded lessons to watch at your own pace. Each video will include action steps for you to implement.

6 group coaching calls with Brittnie to dive deeper in to the lesson of the week as well as hands on help.

Private Facebook Group for community and peer guidance for the time in between calls. You are never alone.

Weekly 1:1 coaching with Brittnie for additional support.

Program Details


You will have access to Pre-recorded lessons and bi-Weekly group coaching calls where I help you navigate balance between your business and life.

Say sayonara to your worries and fears because our journey includes:

Have you ever signed up for an online, self paced course that you just knew was going to be life changing? You binge watched the first few lessons, but after the initial excitement and energy wore off you never actually finished the course much less implemented the strategies that were taught.

After working with many photographers who are in the same boat you are I knew this program had to have an accountability aspect... enter the bi-weekly coaching calls.

vip upgrade

get on the waitlist

6 group coaching Zoom Calls 
6 pre-recorded lessons
Peer facebook group

6 group coaching Zoom Calls 
6 pre-recorded lessons
Peer facebook group
Weekly 1:1 coaching with Brittnie on voxer

Two Options To Choose From

group coaching

vip upgrade



3 monthly payments of $300

3 monthly payments of $400



Meet Kayla

new mom who quit her full time job to pursue her photography dream.

don't just take it from me, see what others had to say

Meet Hailey

multi faceted mom, wife, and photographer who was having a hard time finding balance.

Meet Lindsey

Homeschool mama of 2 boys who needed help SEPARATING her work and home tasks.

Meet Hannah

boudoir photographer who learned routines don't need to be perfect to work.

I dig it, can you break it down a little more?

The Lessons

lesson one

lesson two

lesson three

lesson four

lesson five

lesson six

what's in simplify the chaos

Without a positive mindset, you will be stuck in the same repeating cycle that you are currently in. We will learn how to shift to a mindset of positivity, set goals to grow your business with your dream life in mind and begin tracking data so you can tangibly see your growth.

Mindset + Motivation

As work-from-home business owners, it's virtually impossible to separate our personal lives from our business. We will learn how to create routines that reduce your overwhelm and help clear your brain for work.

Creating a routine

Are you doing things that don't serve you in the long run? Chances are you probably are. Learn what you can remove from your plate without guilt and how to outsource tasks in your business that are better suited to someone else's hands.

Learn to simplify

Sending a few emails may not seem like a time-consuming task, but when we have to send multiple emails to several clients, the time spent on this activity can add up significantly. You will learn how to use software to automate repetitive tasks, we can save a lot of time that can be used for other important tasks.

Put it on auto

You may have heard batching tasks can save time, but in this lesson, we will go deeper than simply batching-like tasks. When you have one hour to sit down and power through some work do you know exactly what you can do in that time frame without first having to think about it? Learn to batch tasks that you can do in small spurts.

When in doubt batch it out

The real dream comes when you can book clients without having to jump into Facebook groups to be one of the first 10 people to comment or when you book without posting on social media every day hoping to get just one booking. We will optimize your website so that it is consistently bringing in new clients and you will learn how to leverage email marketing to bring in regular bookings.

hands off growth

Due to the way the program is laid out with pre-recorded lessons delivered to you every other week and group coaching calls based on the videos there is a start and end date for each run of the program. 

If you'd like to be notified when the program runs next, be sure to hop on over to the waitlist.

I'm not quite ready to start, Can I join the program at any time?

Simplify the Chaos was designed for the busy photographer. I know you don't have a ton of time (which is why you want to run your photography business in less time, right?) 

Every other week you will be sent a short video and given homework to complete before the next group coaching call. Set aside about one hour each week for home work and one hour every other week for the group coaching call.

How many hours a week should i expect to spend on the program?

Short answer: it depends.

Long answer: it depends which systems you already have in place and what systems you may need to add to the back end of your business. I will always give you multiple budget friendly options as well as my opinion on which platforms work before for each system.

At minimum you will need: a CRM, gallery delivery, a website with a domain you own, and email marketing.

will i need to invest in anything else to successfully complete the program?

Are you struggling to find balance between life and business?

Are you not able to spend enough time or spending too much time running your business?

Do you feel like your a constantly being pulled in two directions between your life and your business?

Are you overwhelmed and looking for better systems?

If so, then Simplify The Chaos is for you!

This is a big investment, how do i know this is the right program for me?

With the VIP upgrade you will have access to send me messages on Voxer. Voxer is a free app that allows you to send long voice memos directly to me.

I will hold weekly office office hours where you can send me voice messages and get immediate feedback. The conversations are private and will not be shared with the group unless you and I decide it would benefit everyone to share.

What does the vip upgrade with 1:1 coaching look like?

you were made for this.

a letter from Brittnie

... that frees you up to dream big for your business while also allowing you to be present and care for your home, your life, and your littles. Yet, the overwhelm you feel when juggling your responsibilities between work and home often brings you to a standstill.

I was tired of the hustle and grind, and I knew there had to be a better way. I started learning how I could do more by doing less.

My goal as a business coach is to support you and encourage you to live your best life while building a thriving business, too. I’ve made friends with some truly amazing creative business owners and mamas in my life. But there is one struggle I keep seeing again and again across the board: how to gracefully balance the many hats we wear. 

I know it’s overwhelming being pulled in so many directions. You want to maintain your physical and mental health, cultivate the relationships that are important to you, grow in your faith, and be a good mom, wife, daughter, and friend. 

You are told that you need to drink enough water, exercise 30 minutes a day, make homemade healthy meals, spend quality time with everyone in your life, volunteer at your kids’ school, and do the work that you feel called to do. When we break a sweat trying to do it all, the guilt sets in. 

It’s easy to feel like you’re not enough. It's my prayer that the pieces of my heart I share with you on my website, through my podcast, and my social media channels help support you in recognizing that you are enough, right now, as you are.

Our lives are crazy and hectic, and they are filled with beautiful moments we don’t want to miss. Maybe you’ve told yourself you have to put this business on the back burner so you don’t miss any of those beautiful moments. Instead, what if you were capable of building a life and a business that is grounded in your calling to live this multi-passionate, wearing-all-the-hats life?

I’ll never claim to have it all figured out, but I have learned techniques to plan my time and build a rhythm that works for my life, and these practices have made that mythical word “balance” feel so much more attainable for me.

If this resonates with you, friend, you’re in the right place.

meet brittnie

I know that feeling, friend:
I’ve been there, too.

You want to believe that it’s possible to cultivate a balanced life...